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Doctor and Patient

The Affordable Care Act's Coverage Impact in the Trump Era


The Impact of the ACA on Insurance Coverage Disparities after Four Years


Medicaid Coverage across the Income Distribution under the Affordable Care Act

Doctor Holding Patient's Hand

The Impact of the Affordable Care Act on Health Care Access and Self-Assessed Health in the Trump Era (2017-2018)

Does Competition of Ambulatory Surgical Centers Affect Hospital Surgical Output?


The Full Impact of the Affordable Care Act on Political Participation

Emergency Vehicles

The Affordable Care Act and Ambulance Response Times 

Patient with Healthcare Nurse

Effects of the Affordable Care Act on Health Behaviors After Three Years

Inside an Ambulance

Association of Ambulance Utilization in New York City with the Implementation of the Affordable Care Act


The Three Year Impact of the ACA on Disparities in Insurance Coverage

Doctor's Visit

Early Effects of the Affordable Care Act on Health Care Access, Risky Health Behaviors, and Self-Assessed Health

Checking Blood Pressure

Effects of the Affordable Care Act of Health Care Access and Self-Assessed Health After Three Years

Child on Wheelchair

Early Impacts of the Affordable Care Act on Health Insurance Coverage in Medicaid Expansion and Non-Expansion States

Crowded Hospital Garden

Who Gained Insurance Coverage in 2014, the First Full Year of ACA Implementation?


Impacts of the Affordable Care Act Dependent Coverage Mandate on Health-Related Outcomes of Young Adults

Choosing Toothbrush

Does Universal Coverage Improve Health? The Massachusetts Experience

Brazil Flag

Income-Based Disparities in Health Care Utilization under Universal Coverage in Brazil, 2002-2003

Insurance Consultation

Tax Incentives and the Decision to Purchase Long-Term Care Insurance

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